Fava Beans
Medium Whole ( Egyptian Style )

Dried fava beans often called broad beans because of their large, flat shape, have a robust, meaty flavour. The name originates from the word "favus" which is the Latin for broad bean. Though classified as a legume, they are not really beans at all, but members of the pea family. Fava beans have been on the menu for 9,000 years, first appearing during Neolithic times in the Middle East. They were widely cultivated in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. Fava beans are high in fiber (85% of the RDV), high in iron (30% of the daily requirement) and very low in sodium. They have no cholesterol and are low in fat. Favas have 50 grams of total carbohydrates and almost 300 calories per 3 /4 cup serving. Serving: Fava Beans are a wonderful addition to any meal and do not require soaking. Serve as a hot or cold appetizer, as a side dish sautéed in butter or in soups.
32 oz. (2 lbs)
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